Call for Papers JHPSM

  • Dibaca: 1001 Pengunjung
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  • Kontributor: I Nengah Laba

Kamis, 01 Juni 2023 s/d Jumat, 30 Juni 2023
09.30 - 18.30
Denpasar Institute

Journal of Health Promotion and Service Management (JHPSM) publishes articles two times a year in May and November. Journal of Health Promotion and Service Management (JHPSM) publishes scientific articles to the scopes of Public Health, Health Promotion, Health Behavior, Health Service Management, Health Economics, Health Insurances, Health Workers, Health Professional Practices, Pharmacy Practice, Nursing Practice, Community Nursing, Epidemiology, Pharmacoepidemiology,  Palliative and End of Life Care.

JHPSM welcomes papers from across disciplinary and interdisciplinary research traditions that reflect principled application of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodological paradigms and research designs.

JHPSM welcomes papers from across disciplinary and interdisciplinary research traditions that reflect principled application of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodological paradigms and research designs. Papers must be relevant to an international readership.


Journal of Health Promotion and Service Management (JHPSM) is an open access journal founded in 2021.

JHPSM encourages submissions that incorporate theories and methodologies from all scientific articles to the scopes of Public Health, Health Promotion, Health Behavior, Health Service Management, Health Economics, Health Insurances, Health Workers, Health Professional Practices, Pharmacy Practice, Nursing Practice, Community Nursing, Palliative care, Epidemiology, and Pharmacoepidemiology.

Each paper will be judged according to international standards, originality/innovativeness of paper, contribution to knowledge, its relevance of the subject and its quality of presentation. Those papers are subject to a double blind reviewing.

Register and submit your article, click here

Download journal template, click here

  • Dibaca: 1001 Pengunjung